- Cash Transit Vehicles
- Armoured Limousines
- Military Personnel on Patrol
- All sizes of transport vehicles
- Police and Security Personnel
- Taxi, Bus, Limousine drivers
- Ambulance Drivers and Rescue Squads
The windows of a vehicle are an important asset for protecting a driver; whether it be from excessive noise and dirt, inclement weather, or the approach of a hostile threat, but when the driver wants to communicate with someone outside, that same window becomes an unwanted barrier. With the use of B & G Vehicle Intercom the windows stay closed and the drivers stay safe.
For law enforces, military personnel or medical teams in an emergency, the use of B & G Vehicle Intercom system is essential.
Adding versatility to efficiency, the B & G Vehicle Intercom system can be quickly installed in any convenient position on the vehicle.
All systems are equipped with a mute at the press of a button; the bi-directional audio can be temporarily de-activated so that conversations will not be hear on the other side.
An optional siren is also available.
With B & G Vehicle Intercom systems, a wide range of drivers can communicate with those outside; with comfort and security!